Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I know I have been slacking but hopefully I still have some readers out there.
I want to hit up another good weather type of car thing, Cruzing! Whether it's 5 minutes or a few hours you need to get that ride out on the street for some enjoyment instead of just a commute. If your like some guys I know you wax that beast you keep under wraps then you put it back in the garage. Get out there and enjoy it, cars are made for that purpose, to drive!
Well there are several types of things I like to do with my rides. Even if you don't have a "cruising" type of auto you can enjoy the scenery or drive to an event. Get out and see your state. Get off the 12 lane monster and take a back road. I love driving to a small destination such as Virginia Diner out past Suffolk. I recommend the peanut or chess pie, there food is ok but the desserts are where they shine! When you have a destination it splits the drive up and makes it a little more about the whole family versus just the driver. A lot of places have car events. You don't have to own a show car to go check it out and they are usually free to spectators. I don't know one person that doesn't enjoy looking at cars at least for a little while. These events can be found right down the road or a day trip away. Some shows include a "run" which means they all meet and drive to the show. This is more entertaining to me because you get to here and see them run and if the PO PO ain't around you might see a little more out of the cars. It's nice to look at the cool rides but even cooler to see them in action. Sometimes if you are at the end of the show you can watch them all leave. In a more rural setting this can lead to some messing around and a few burnouts and side by sides. It's all in good fun and I have never felt in danger at any of the events I have attended. Another great part about car events is you can learn a lot about cars. If you are thinking about getting a project you can get first hand experience and an up close look at possible considerations. Plus you can get a feel for how much time, effort, and expertise it takes to build a work of art.
Another favorite of mine is the cruise to eat! If you know me you know I can pack away the ice cream. So a nice day and a trip to Sonic or Rita's will make the whole family happy. Maybe you drive to the one down the road or take the long way and make that a final destination. There are several car meetings that are at food places. There is always Jenros cafe at Haygood. That has been going on every Saturday for years. A new place out in Chesapeake called Hot Rodders looks promising, they are attempting to rival Jenros for that cruise in diner feel. The Princess Anne Farmers Market has a weekend car event as well. There are lots of little shops there if the family gets tired of the cars. I have been to many car events and have brought all different types of friends and they have never been disappointed.
As far as cruising goes, just get off the beaten path and roll down some back roads. I know its hard to believe there are any of those left in the great metropolis of Hampton Roads but here are a few spots I like to drive. I grew up in Blackwater and that still has plenty of back road left. You can take Blackwater road or any of the side streets and make it as long or short as you want. There is also the drive to Knotts Island and taking the ferry across; my kids had a blast on that one. The drive to Munden Point Park is great and there is a fun destination. There are so many more all over the place, just look at the map and get off the interstate.
As far as cruising to show off, I don't do that to much anymore but I am sure the Ocean Front is still a place to go, just remember the cruising law (read the signs). Any big event will have tons of people if you are trying to display your pride on wheels. Don't forget Strawberry Fest is coming up and the Chesapeake Jubilee, you will have plenty of time to show off what you have sitting in traffic. As for me I prefer a more low key, relaxing time. So if you need any tips, hot spots, or a cruising buddy let me know and if you have any great spots or events coming up please let us know.